7 effective ways to manage bleeding disorders

7 effective ways to manage bleeding disorders

Bleeding disorders entail the body’s inability to clot blood as part of a biological process called hemostasis. In most cases, the person with the disorder bleeds spontaneously, without any known reason. At other times, there could be prolonged bleeding after surgery, a trauma, injury, or during menstruation. Besides treatment that the doctor suggests, there are ways to take care to prevent bleeding. These are the five ways to prevent the disorder effectively: Subcutaneous injection instead of intramuscular vaccination and immunization shots In general, immunizations and vaccinations are given into a muscle or intramuscularly. In this case, whether it is an adult or a child who needs to take the vaccine, the nurse and the doctor should be aware that the person has a clotting-related disorder. In such cases, nurses take precautions to apply the vaccine under the skin or subcutaneously. Also, the typical needle is never used. Instead, a smaller needle is used for vaccination. Once the injection has been applied, ice is applied to the spot with pressure for 5 – 10 minutes to prevent bleeding.    Children with a bleeding disorder should take necessary precautions If a child suffers from hemophilia type A, they must wear a helmet while riding a bicycle to prevent head injuries in case of an accident.
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3 useful tips to help manage breast cancer

3 useful tips to help manage breast cancer

Like most cancers, the precise cause of breast cancer is unknown. Sadly, there is no definite cure for the disease at its advanced stage, nor can it be prevented. Yet, it is one of the most common cancers affecting over 260,000 women every year. Even though men also develop breast cancer, they make up only 1% of the total number of cases each year. Here are three useful tips for managing breast cancer: Start treatment without any delay There is no concrete biological answer for why an individual would develop breast cancer. Nor are there any definite symptoms to be cautious of beforehand and adopt the required preventive measures. A combination of genetic and environmental causes come into play to contribute to such a condition. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognize the following as the primary symptoms of breast cancer: Swelling in the breast or armpit A thickening or bulging of the breast Development of dimples in the breast or skin irritation Reddish or flaky skin around the nipple area Other discharges from the nipple apart from breast milk However, it is crucial to note that all these symptoms do not necessarily imply the presence of a malignancy.
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6 key health benefits of probiotics

6 key health benefits of probiotics

Probiotics constitute a significant component of a healthy nutritional regime. Hundreds of brands sell probiotics in the market, and several blogs and websites exist exclusively to count probiotics’ never-ending benefits. But do we understand the actual mechanism through which probiotics work? For that, we need to be clear about the definition of probiotics. We need to know what and how they function. Read this article to learn the definition and some key benefits of probiotics: What are probiotics? Your body contains within itself both good and bad bacteria. Probiotics are the good bacteria. When an infection affects your body, the number of harmful bacteria exceeds the number of beneficial bacteria in your body. To destroy these harmful bacteria and restore the balance in your body, you need to get good bacteria from external sources. These external sources include probiotic supplements or fermented foods. Some typical probiotic foods are probiotic yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, and many more, while supplements include refrigerated capsules, shelf-stable capsules, liquid beverages, and powders. Key benefits of probiotics Probiotics are good bacteria and have several benefits, and several scientific studies back these benefits. Here is a list of the 6 most popular probiotics benefits you should know of:
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Mattresses for back pain – Choosing one and top options

Mattresses for back pain – Choosing one and top options

There can be several reasons for constant back pain; surgery, injury, or an uncomfortable sleeping position. Whatever the source, it can keep you awake all night. Luckily, the solution is pretty simple if it is the third problem. All you have to do is change your mattress! A good mattress will ensure you are supported throughout the night, ensuring good quality sleep. However, before choosing the right mattress, note salient points such as: How to select a good mattress for back pain? Firstly, and most importantly, one must take into account that all the best mattresses take the proverb “Comfort is the key” seriously, and ensure that specific points like the back, shoulders, and buttocks are not strained due to lack of support. Besides this, a so-called rule of thumb espouses that however good your mattress may be, you must get rid of it every ten years. But before you run to the market for mattress shopping, a consultation with your health professional is highly recommended. Once you are sure of the structural requirements of your back, mattress shopping will no longer be a confusing affair for you. Also, the results will be far more fruitful than if you rushed to the market uninformed about the guidelines for mattress shopping.
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6 surprising migraine triggers and ways to manage them

6 surprising migraine triggers and ways to manage them

No one can know what a painful affair a sudden onset of migraine pang is other than the person who goes through it. While the migraine triggers differ from person to person, a few culprits are there, which seem to attack everyone indiscriminately. When one can identify their triggers, they are a step closer to effectively managing migraine and avoiding future attacks. Here are six surprising migraine triggers which you may not have been previously aware of: Excessive stress Stress is the most common reason that tends to trigger migraine pangs. According to some studies, stress is a catalyst for 70 percent of migraine attacks in patients. Besides, such studies have revealed a close relationship between daily migraine activity and stress levels. Furthermore, there seems to be a continuous cycle in which the day-to-day stress levels are further loaded with the worry of upcoming migraine attacks. How to manage: One can begin by preparing an exhaustive list of things that seem to bug daily but are pretty mundane and can be dealt with quickly without any undue tension or stress. Once the list is prepared, work on those triggers to reduce their effects on your stress levels. Besides that, try relaxation therapy, yoga, meditation, exercise, biofeedback, and massage to calm your mind and maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
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7 snack ideas for lowering cholesterol levels

7 snack ideas for lowering cholesterol levels

The CDC suggests that about 38% of adults in the country have high cholesterol levels. This puts them at risk of heart diseases and serious complications. So, it is important to regulate ones bad cholesterol levels by getting an adequate amount of heart-healthy fats and fiber. Adding sources like fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, whole grains, and legumes can help one get the necessary nutrients. So, here are seven snack ideas to lower one’s cholesterol levels: Oatmeal The versatility of oats is unmatched, so one can add them to any recipe of choice. Additionally, oatmeal is the go-to snack when it comes to lowering cholesterol. It is rich in soluble fibers that bind to cholesterol and flush them out before they can reach the bloodstream. Besides fiber, one serving of oatmeal contains high levels of protein and heart-friendly antioxidants. Fresh or dried fruits and honey are recommended additions to oatmeal as they can help achieve better results. Fruit bowl Fruit bowls are another way of adding low-cholesterol snacks into one’s daily diet. Fruits are incredibly rich in fiber and can make people feel full for extended periods. Additionally, they are a rich source of essential minerals and vitamins. Some of the most effective foods include almonds and fruits like berries and apples.
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6 human foods that cats can enjoy

6 human foods that cats can enjoy

Certain foods that are healthy for us may be beneficial for your cat. As a responsible cat parent, it is essential to be aware of the foods and their sources before slipping a morsel from your plate into your pet’s bowl. Ingestion of toxic foods can adversely affect the cat’s digestive system. Hence, it is advised to consult a vet for recommendations. Here is a list of human foods that are perfectly safe for cats: Meat Cats are carnivores by nature. Most of the commercial cat food in the market contains different meats, an excellent protein source. So, feeding them bits of cooked meats like beef, turkey, or chicken from your lunch plate is entirely alright. Make sure you limit the quantity of the meats. Overeating may cause digestive issues in cats. Salmon Cats love fish, and most vets recommend feeding them fish-based foods. They are a good source of omega-3 and other nutrients. Oily fish like tuna, salmon, or mackerel prove beneficial for their eyesight and joints. However, do not feed your feline straight from the can as they might lick it too aggressively, leading to cuts and bruises on their tongues. It’s best to feed them cooked fish without bones.
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Top 9 foods for healthy lungs

Top 9 foods for healthy lungs

Life isn’t fun when one can’t breathe properly. Years of unhealthy lifestyle habits and other factors can seriously affect the functions of the lungs, resulting in asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, and other respiratory diseases that decrease quality of life. Fortunately, one can manage these diseases and even prevent them altogether by incorporating certain foods into their meal plans. Here are some foods that can boost lung health: Beetroots When it comes to the health of the vital organ, beetroot and even its leaves are among the best foods anyone can have. That’s mainly because both beetroot and beet greens are rich in nitrates, which help relax blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, and optimize oxygen uptake. Beet greens are full of nutrients essential to lung functions, such as vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and carotenoid antioxidants. To benefit from beets, add them to salads or make beet juice. Turmeric This yellow spice has been used for centuries to treat various ailments. Curcumin, the main component in turmeric, is behind all the health benefits. Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial characteristics can make turmeric extremely useful for improving lung function and aiding in conditions such as asthma, COPD, and pulmonary fibrosis.
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3 foods to avoid for better lung health

3 foods to avoid for better lung health

Strengthening the lungs can help one avoid respiratory issues and diseases. Even when diagnosed with a lung-related illness, making significant changes to the lifestyle and food regimen can help people manage the symptoms and restore lung function. However, it is equally important to avoid the food items that damage these organs and cause issues like inflammation, sneezing, and wheezing. Here are a few foods to avoid to improve lung health: Salty food Foods with excessive salt should be avoided as their long-term consumption can have severe consequences on the overall health. Excess sodium in such food items can enlarge the muscles of the heart, cause headaches, increase blood pressure, and lead to a wide range of kidney-related issues like stones. Such foods can also have a negative effect on the health of the lungs and have been linked to an increased risk of bronchitis. Additionally, too much salt in meals can also worsen the symptoms of respiratory issues like asthma. This is because sodium can cause fluid retention, leading to shortness of breath in those with lung diseases. To reduce its intake, one should start by limiting salt in their meals and instead add more herbs and spices as seasoning.
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7 popular plants that are dangerous for cats

7 popular plants that are dangerous for cats

Many people decorate their homes with indoor plants. But if you are a cat parent, your plant obsession can inadvertently harm your feline friend. Most plants are safe for cats to play and prod, but a few are dangerous. Eating or coming into contact with them can lead to unexpected consequences, mainly because of their poisonous compounds. Below we have listed seven such toxic plants that you must keep out of your cat’s reach: Azaleas A part of the rhododendron family, Azaleas are one of the most beautiful houseplants that can transform your living space. However, the slightest nibbles out of their leaves can cause serious heart problems in your cat. It can sometimes aggravate into a coma and even be fatal. Milder side effects of rhododendron ingestion include vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, drooling, and a lack of apatite. Hydrangeas Hydrangeas are common in flower arrangements in home gardens. Although the plant is toxic to cats because of its chemical content, it is not as dangerous. Only ingesting a large amount of the plant can cause damage. Nevertheless, they pose a threat, so avoid having them around your pets. If you grow hydrangeas in your garden, ensure your cat never wanders near it and keeps a safe distance.
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